Spinal cord compression is an overarching term to describe injury, constriction, or disturbance to the bundle of nerves that make up your spinal cord. If you have spinal cord compression you are likely to experience some degree of back pain and will benefit from receiving chiropractic care.
Your spine and your spinal cord perform different but equally important jobs; while they work together, they are two distinct parts of your body. Put simply, spinal cord compression generally occurs when your spine no longer effectively protects your spinal cord.
Your spine is the bony protective shield that wraps around your spinal cord. As well as protecting the spinal cord, the spine holds us up and, when all is well, moves in all directions affording us a full range of motion.
Your spinal cord is a series of nerves that form an essential part of your nervous system. The tubular structure is encased in your spine and runs all the way from your skull to your tailbone, carrying with it messages from your brain to your entire body – for example, telling you how and when to move or communicating pain.
As back chiropractors at Gateway to Wellness we can provide you with relief from a range of conditions – most often back pain – caused by spinal cord compression through non-surgical chiropractic treatment. We specialize in relieving back pain, and one such treatment we use for spinal cord compression related pain is non-surgical decompression therapy.
Pressure on your spinal cord, also known as spinal cord compression can be caused by trauma, injury or infection. Osteoarthritis is also common cause of spinal cord compression.
When it affects the spine, osteoarthritis can lead to disc degeneration, bone spurs and a narrowing of the spaces between the spine – all of which puts pressure on the spinal cord leading to discomfort.
As this is a degenerative bone disease, people over 65 most commonly experience spinal cord compression because of osteoarthritis in the spine.
There are many causes of spinal cord compression, and so logically, the symptoms of the condition will present differently depending on the cause of your spinal cord compression.
The symptoms will also vary depending on how they are managed – accessing spinal cord compression chiropractic treatment at Gateway to Wellness will help you manage and reduce your symptoms.
Given how important your spinal cord is, any injury or accident where there may be damage to the spine is likely to be treated as an emergency and you will be taken to the hospital for treatment.
When spinal cord compression occurs due to degenerative disease – such as osteoarthritis – or through herniated discs, spinal cord compression chiropractic treatment can occur gradually, as symptoms progress.
Taking pain medication is an excellent short-term pain reduction strategy. However, at Gateway to Wellness our chiropractic care offers a longer term, drug-free solution to pain caused by spinal cord compression.
There are many treatments we can use to target your pain, from muscle relaxation to targeted manual adjustments to non-surgical decompression therapy.
At Gateway to Wellness, we treat the symptoms of spinal cord through non-surgical chiropractic treatment, for example non-surgical decompression therapy.
Non-surgical decompression therapy is an effective treatment for a myriad of conditions that spinal cord compression may cause. This treatment gently manipulates the spine’s discs and joints, lengthening the spine to create space and release the pressure on your spinal cord.
Our back chiropractor will spend time with you before the treatment, to understand where your pain is focused and if non-surgical decompression therapy is right for you.
During the treatment, our expert back chiropractors work with a specialized machine and monitor your body’s response to the pressure.
Spinal cord compression is a serious concern for many of us and can be very painful. At Gateway to Wellness, we’ll take the time to understand the symptoms your spinal cord compression is causing and work together to treat them using non-surgical chiropractic treatment methods that are aligned to your wellness goals.
Do you think you’re suffering from spinal cord compression? Get in touch to see how we can help you.
If you’d like to become a part of the Gateway to Wellness family and find out how we can help you, schedule an appointment now.
Mon: 8am – 12pm, 3pm – 6pm
Tues: 3pm – 6pm
Wed: 8am – 12pm, 3pm – 6pm
Thur: 3pm – 6pm
Fri: 8am – 12pm
Sat, Sun: Closed